
Take a Course

Online Individual Graduate Courses in RMME

Students with a Bachelor’s degree or higher can take UConn’s online Research Methods, Measurement, & Evaluation courses as “non-degree” students. The “non-degree” designation allows students to take courses for credit without being formally admitted to the University. A maximum of 6-credits (two courses) can be taken as a “non-degree” student. If you decide to matriculate into the certificate program in the future, course credits are transferable if you receive a “B-” or better.

If you are interested in registering for a graduate course in Program Evaluation, contact Donna Campbell at Donna.Campbell@UConn.edu or by phone at 860-486-0184.

New Site Launched

We are proud to announce the launch of our new website. Built on the the university Aurora service, this new version of our site sports a modern look, faster loading times, and works on all mobile and tablet devices.

New Site Launched

We are proud to announce the launch of our new website. Built on the the university Aurora service, this new version of our site sports a modern look, faster loading times, and works on all mobile and tablet devices.